Плагин на майнкрафт 1.19 Clearlag


Есть у кого ссылка на плагин ClearLag для версии майнкрафт 1.19


Нету его на 1.19. Начиная с 1.16 автор уже не выпускает обновления, что правильно. На таких версиях этот плагин ни к чему


[1.8 - 1.19.1] ClearLagTimer - Use a command to check when the next ClearLag happens! Build 35a

Tested Minecraft Versions:

Makes ClearLag more customizable
-Define custom commands for your players to check when the next entity clear happens.
-Display custom messages at specified intervals (e.g display an actionbar 5 seconds before clear).
-Play custom sounds at specified intervals (e.g play a happy villager sound 5 seconds before clear).
-Run configurable commands after an entity clear has happened.

Quality of Life Features
-Placeholders to use wherever you want. (PlaceholderAPI)
-Fully customizable messages including chat (option to auto-center), actionbars, and titles. (RGB Support)
-Fully customizable sounds (option for power and pitch), for every command and event.
-Use any PlaceholderAPI placeholder in plugin messages.

General Quality
-Clickable chat menu with command suggestions and command executions.
-Auto-updating configurations on plugin updates.
-Works on versions throughout 1.8 - Latest.
-Frequent updates & fixes & support.

ClearLag Data Pack (1.19.2, 1.18.2) - Performance, Reduce Lag

ClearLag Data Pack (1.19.2, 1.18.2) helps optimize your game by clearing out unnecessary entities and more. Minecraft can be quite resource-intensive because of all the running entities and everything that it has to render. This data pack aims to make your game a bit smoother by helping you with clearing out anything that isn't important. By default, the data pack will clear out unused entities every 1000 seconds. However, the data pack is fully customizable within the game through the command menu.

Download Mods ClearLag for minecraft.


Этот плагин только для коммерческих серверов. Не для игры с друзьями.
Поскольку уроненный лут убивает.

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